HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) in the last 5 years has become an extremely popular go-to workout around the world.  It’s essentially an exercise strategy that alternates shorts bursts of intense exercise mixed with less intense recovery periods.

Not all workouts are created equal and high intensity interval training delivers a great amount of benefits for a small time investment.  We are all time hungry, so it’s no wonder HIIT has gone viral!

High Intensity Interval Training Benefits

1. Super-efficient workout, perfect for the on-the-go busy body.  Research shows you can burn more calories and get more progress from a short 15 minute HIIT workout than in a 1 hour jog on the treadmill.   You can even complete an effective HIIT workout in as short as 4 minutes (and we all have 4 minutes we can squeeze out of our day)!

2.  Burn more fat and more calories all day.  In addition to burning more calories, you also burn more fat.  The intense exertion puts your body’s repair cycle into hypermode- therefore you burn more calories and fat for 24 hours after a HIT workout than you do after spending an hour long light run.

3.  Build muscle at the same time.  After your muscle has been subjected to intense stress through maximum force contractions over a moderate repetition, your hormones begin the growth process and muscle remodeling. Growth hormone plays a vital role in adapting to the stress of resistance training. Growth hormone levels can be increased through resistance training of high intensity.  Basically HIIT is the perfect method to build muscle in an intense but short workout.

4. No equipment needed.  You can do an intense and amazing HIIT workout without any equipment – all you need is your body – so you can literally do the workout anywhere.  It’s great for anyone that’s on a budget, or who don’t have time to go to the gym, and travelers.

What’s your favorite type of workout?  Do you love HIIT, if so, why?!

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Posted by:momtude

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